I am finally back in my classroom! This means I actually have Monday Made it’s for you! 🙂
I am so excited because this is a new school so I get to start over FRESHHHH!
I have so many task cards I don’t know what to do with them. I’m going to be honest and just say last year I kept them in a giant tub then attempted to sift through them before I taught that content.
In order to see what I have at a glance, I created these Task Card Organizing Labels.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how bright they are! Since they’re on a white background, it’s printer friendly!
If you want to check them out click:
I also created these SCHEDULE CARDS to match!
Click {HERE} to see more options!
I wrote a blog post about how I utilize Classroom dojo & a classroom economy awhile back.
If you read it, then you probably noticed how gross my coupon display was.
Well, I revamped it and I love it!
Yes, the “e” is missing…I have NO IDEA where it is.
It was there when I cut it out.
My new school requires that we take a lunch count.
I am all about simple, easy, and efficient. I don’t have time to hang up different cards to tell what lunch is so I created this to help me through the year.
I am going to have my “lunch helper” write what the options are in the big white space (laminated) and the kids are just going to put a popsicle stick under the choice they want.
To check it out click {HERE}
New school means new team. I wanted to get them something to kick off the new year and of course something they can use.
I attached these to the Flip Chart sharpies that I bought for $5 each at Office Depot. Office Max sells them for the same price as well! To me, you can’t get a better $5 gift! 🙂
You can have this for FREE by clicking {HERE}
(Graphics & Design by KG fonts & Teaching Super Power)
That concludes my Monday Made It’s! Thanks Tara for hosting this! To see more creative bloggers click the picture below! 🙂
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August 11, 2014 at 4:00 pmVery cute! Your new room is coming along GREAT! Best of luck on your new teaching adventure this year!!!
Short and Sassy Teacher
Caitlyn Delaney
August 11, 2014 at 5:23 pmI hate doing lunch count… but that's a cute board! And your teacher gift are adorable! Can you be on my team!?!?
Fourth Grade Lemonade
August 11, 2014 at 6:27 pmThose labels are all so cute!!
Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late