Hello friends! I am linking up with Seusstastic for the summer book study over the daily 5. I have had my eye on this book for quite some time and decided it was time to take the plunge! This will be by second year teaching third grade and with the Reading STAAR (Texas State Test), I am looking for as much small group as possible so I can work on individual needs. Follow me as I read this book and devour it’s contents!
I completely agree with MEL D when she says this book is an easy read. I had to stop myself at just two chapters so I could write this blog post. I worried about reading a PD book over the summer because I had restraints that it would be like an old college textbook. These sisters totally get what we [teachers] are going through because they’re teachers too! I am always asked if what I am doing in my classroom is research based and that is what the sisters are. Everything they say can be backed up with research!
I love that my students will get a CHOICE in what they decide to do. This can make even the most reluctant student in the class feel a sense of ownership and maturity because I am entrusting them to choose what THEY want to do (within reason).
The second edition states that you build up all five rounds of Daily 5 at the same time, and that it is okay if the rounds are short. They write that once the teacher acknowledges that the children are no longer to stay focused or have broken stamina, that round is ended and they gather back together.
Question: Am I wasting instructional time ending and starting up short rounds?
The second edition discuss that after stamina is built for all five rounds, you let go of one round. Now, students will participate in four rounds of Daily 5 with FIVE options for them. This repeats for 3 rounds with FIVE options available. The model shows that there are non-negotiable rounds: Read to Self and Work on Writing.
Eliminating “Good Bye Behavior”
This Chapter explains the Sister’s core beliefs: Trust & Respect, Community, Choice, Accountability, and Brain Research. Accountability is something I constantly preach. Students in the third grade are entering a very hard grade. It is the first testing grade and they are given more responsibility as a result of their age. At times I struggled with maintaining that accountability for each student that was reluctant.
During the literacy block, children have been trained on what daily looks like, feels like, and sounds like, and therefore are aware of their actions. Children are accountable for choosing their classroom placement for the different rounds. “Meaningful independence is the ultimate in students accountability” (Pg.28)
The book also preaches whole group lessons for 7-10 minutes only.
Question: How are you able to get a whole group lesson in 10 minutes? I feel like I need at least 15 min.
Question: my students do a lot of interactive notebooks for language/reading skills. How do I fit that in my daily five? It is more than just journaling (Which I am aware is work on writing), but a journal that houses all the skills they learn so they can refer back to it FOR writing and reading time.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Amber Calderon
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Heather Pogue
June 7, 2014 at 12:53 amThanks for sharing! I love the daily 5!
Amber Calderon
June 9, 2014 at 4:08 pmI am so happy that you enjoy using the Daily 5! I am trying to absorb as much as possible before I fully implement it. I see how effective it is in other classrooms and I am excited to join! 🙂
Jennifer White
June 7, 2014 at 1:15 amThanks for joining the book study! You raise some really good questions!
First Grade Blue SKies
Amber Calderon
June 9, 2014 at 4:10 pmThanks for allowing me to join the awesome book study! If it wasn't for your IG comment I would've not be included…so THANK YOU! 🙂
I have to question as much as possible when I am reading just so I am prepared for the long haul, ya know? 🙂
June 10, 2014 at 3:07 amI don't think you are wasting your time if you if you have the class check-in as soon as someone breaks stamina. It seems like it happens every few minutes at the very beginning of the year, but I believe the first book talked about how important it was to build muscle memory doing the task the right way. I'm not suggesting you drop everything everytime someone breaks stamina for weeks and weeks, but the first few days it's all about getting the kinks worked out 😉