
How to Create Multiple Pinterest Pins at Once

Pinterest Marketing has the power to drive traffic to your products and services without appearing too salesy. It will drive more awareness to your brand and increase the amount of leads. With the recent changes to Pinterest’s algorithm, it can appear daunting to create so many new pins. Here’s how to create multiple Pinterest pins at once. 

How to create multiple Pinterest pins at once

When you are creating one pin to direct teachers to a blog, YouTube video, Instagram Post, Podcast, product, or service, the first step is to allow time into your work flow to create these particular pins at one time. Why? Have you ever said you were going to do something later and then you just never did it? SAME. Start making it a habit now to create multiple pins when you are already in the Pin creation mood. This will eliminate time in the long run.

1. Change the orientation of the image and text placement

A simple swap of the text placement can create a new fresh perspective of the pin. Rotate the original photo and the text for a new look.

2. Change the heading color

Add variety to the Pinterest pin by changing the header cover (as long as it matches the image). This is a quick win to duplicate pins.

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TPT Tips for teachers pay teachers so these teacherpreneurs can run their business 123

3. Change the stock photo

A quick swap of the stock photo in the background will give fresh perspective of the pin and allow you to pin more without creating a brand new piece of content.

4. Write a second engaging title

It’s important write different titles so that you can test what is resonating with your audience. This will also provide additional pins to add to Tailwind!

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5. Write for Seasonality

Writing for seasonality is a tip I learned from a Pinterest rep. A high percentage of users search on Pinterest for seasonality. Writing at least one pin for seasonality now (& also a future holiday to save for the future) is a way to plan ahead!

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6. Use a real life image

For those in the classroom, it is a lot easier to start with a real life image and the work through all these ideas backwards. Use a real life image to allow the teacher to visualize the action in real life.

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Hopefully this helped you feel more confident with your Pinning strategy. Keep reading more Pinterest articles on my website by clicking here.


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