
How to create time saving systems for your business

Being a solorpreneur comes with its challenges and if not done in a way that works best for you, burnout can happen all too soon. We’re going to look at your average to-do list and start maximizing time so that you have time to plan, breath, and dream up your next big project. I’m here to share the how to create time saving systems for your business so that you can spend more time on what matters most. 

How to create time saving systems for your business

Templates are key!

Surely you’ve heard of the term, reinventing the wheel. It’s time to actually stop that and use what you’ve created prior to your advantage and the easiest way is to utilize templates.

If you’re creating similar content throughout the same channels, sending a similar email structure, or a similar DM reply each week, you can squash the extra time it takes to pull up that work by creating templates for each.

Social Media Templates

Depending on your social media aesthetic, there might be times where you create routine social media posts. If you create a strong template (3-5 versions), you’ll be able to batch create these when needed. This is helpful for:

  • Quote images
  • Instagram story templates
  • Sale images
  • new product announcement
  • sharing images in which you’re tagged in
  • + more!

Email Templates

Creating a framework for emails is going to ensure you actually press send and keep your email list thriving Now, you won’t be re-using the copy from every email, but you will re-use the structure. A simple newsletter can follow the structure of always having a main header, paragraph, then two blog posts, product promotion, and end with a social media post.

Here is an example of two emails that are different topics but the structure is the same:

Looking for an email Service Provider? Flodesk is the perfect platform for Teacherpreneurs because it’s packed with beautiful templates, automations, and what you need to get the job done – without the extra confusing buttons!

Pinterest Templates

In order to create the amount of fresh pins needed for Pinterest and drive traffic to my other channels, I created templates that work well for my business (see below). I also batch my time spent searching for stock images. If I’m not in a big mood to create, I’ll sit on my couch and search for images that match my brand’s aesthetic. This comes in hand when it’s time to actually create Pinterest images.

In order to drive traffic to my YouTube channel quickly, I created the pins below and swap the cover and title in order to drive traffic and scale.

FAQ Templates

Instead of spending unnecessary time responding to the same question repeatedly that you’ve answered a few time. Solve that by clicking setting > creator and then saved replies or frequently asked questions depending on what you want.

Saved replies will show responses that you can copy and paste into a DM at any time.

Frequently asked questions will pop up when someone tries to DM you.

A trick to expand on these FAQs in more detail, is to repurpose these FAQS into a blog post or a YouTube video. This means that your audience is collectively seeking this answer, and you don’t have an easy to find place to house this information.

Here’s what to do now

  1. Look at your social feed an determine IF you need templates – organize them
  2. Add saved replies to your most common DMs
  3. Create an email structure framework
  4. Create 3-5 Pinterest templates

Find holes in your business to automate

A strong business owner is always looking at their business from different angles and seeking new opportunities for growth. Every business is different but what is the same is that we are often overlooking ways in which we can move faster and one of the easiest ways to do that is to automate certain parts of our business

Here are some ideas:

  • Create an auto response after a from fill when you are wanting to give your audience a specific downloadable
  • Use a program like Zapier to automate areas of work such as (1) saving gmail attachments to google drive, (2) creating calendar invites two of your calendars when a slot is booked

Batch Tasks and Time blocking

There will be times that you have an idea that gets you excited in all the positive ways, so you decide to shift what you’re doing to execute in that direction. How much time can be lost focusing on that one deliverable, instead of grouping like-minded tasks so that you can get more done?

To learn more about how I batch specific parts of my business, check out the article below.

Social Media Schedulers

Social media schedulers can be a huge time saver if used correctly. We use them for the ed-tech brands I work for. Although we schedule everything a month in advance, we also reflect at the beginning of the month to determine if that content will still resonate with out audience. We always want to ensure that our content matches the tone for that week and is still relevant. This is something I’ve noticed that some businesses fall victim too because they’re just so happy they cranked out content so quickly.

One of my favorite ways to automate my social scheduling (although not a social scheduler haha), is through Tailwind for Pinterest. Tailwind let’s me automate my pins as far as a month in advance and as a result, allows me to focus on other areas of my business where I need more TLC.

Click here to get $15 off Tailwind when you create an account.

This is my referral like – thank you for supporting me!


This is probably one of the hardest to do for a solopreneur since allowing someone else to control a part of their business can feel scary at first. As someone who manages 10 contractors, I understand that fear, but I also understand how freeing it can be when you empower someone to help you.

My #1 tip for this is to create a how-to guide that answers everything under the sun, includes screenshots, and share all the different ways they can grab and go with messaging, etc. This will help you feel more at easy that someone else is driving your car and will also ensure they know how to do the job they were hired to do, well.

Wrap Up: How to create time saving systems for your business

Hopefully, this post inspired you to create time saving systems for your business so that you can spend more time creating quality products.


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