
How to prepare for the TPT Sale

Teachers Pay Teachers sales happen multiple times a year. What does your promotion strategy look like? I know what you might be thinking…everyone promotes the same people are going to get annoyed with me.

Ahem…excuse me! 

Do not dim your light for the sake of others, you deserve to burn bright my friend. You are allowed to take up space. With that in mine, I’m here to help ya with your next promo plan so you feel confident with how to prepare for the TPT sale. Let’s chat a few things you can do to hear more cha-chings than last time. 

How to prepare for the TPT Sale:

Start collecting testimonials for social proof

When it’s time for teachers to make a decision, social proof in the form of testimonials and reviews can push that teacher to purchase your product? Why? Because other teachers have spent their money and found value in you.

Here’s actions you can take now:

  • In Canva or PPT create an IG story and IG post template. Duplicate for each product you want to pull testimonials from. Capture your best reviews from TPT and add them to the template. This will give you content to share before and during the sale in order to stay top of mind.
  • Consider creating a series of slides such as (1) picture of the product (2) what’s in the product & share pictures (3) slides of testimonials.

Imagine if you had done this prior and how easy it would be for the next sale! Create a system that works for you to add these screenshots and links to templates so that you can re-use with minor tweaks for the next sale. I love Airtable since it’s intended for storing data such as this.

Re-share older content authentically

Since you already know a sale will happen during back to school, start sharing content authentically as if you’re solving a problem so that when the sale happens it’s not the first time they’re hearing about your product.

  • Curate blog posts about the topic of your product as if you’re solving a problem
  • Start pinning content from your website and TPT so that it can (hopefully) pick up traction. FYI Pinterest values older pins but this can still help.

Bundle products that go together

Look at the smaller items that you sell and determine if any can be grouped together into a theme for a bigger ticket bundle item. Sales are the time when bundles sell more often since they are able to be purchased at a discount.

Publish a new product just before the sale

This tip is sneaky. If you can time your next new product (or possibly the bundle mentioned above), to be published right before the sale, you’re product will end up in the TPT email, “New Products from your Favorite Teacher Sellers”. This is not the end all be all trick but can help get your audience to more eyeballs if you do not have a personal email list.

Prepare at least two emails for your subscribers

If you do have an email list, this is your time to use it since email marketing of all channels creates a faster conversion.

I’ve written a slew of email marketing blog posts that you can read up on here.

Example: Create a two series email sequence for those on your list with the first email announcing the sale and a few of your best sellers with testimonials and the WHY rather than the WHAT. Why do they need this product and how will it change their life? In the second email to send 1 day or 2 later (depending when they send the first email).

Tidy up your storefront with relevant resources

if you’re sharing links directly to your storefront, what does the storefront actually look like? Do you have resources relevant for that time of year in your main rotation? What does your banner say? For new customers and newer buyers, you want place your best foot forward to increase your chances of them purchasing multiple products. You’re also giving a good first impression which can correlate to their thinking of value.

Get organized and create templates for the next sale

How can you use this new found knowledge and execution to prepare you for the next sale and save time? Get organized now to prepare yourself for the future.

  • Create a checklist for things you’re doing now to remind yourself to recreate during the next sale (BONUS if you add how long you need in advance to personally prep)
  • Organize your testimonial screenshots in a database like Airtable so you can pull and reuse
  • Create social sharing templates now so you can recycle next time
  • Did you have blog posts that detail how your bigger ticket items solve a problem? Write them now.

Hopefully this was a ton of useful information about how to prepare for the TPT sale so you can make the most money possible. If you liked this post, check out ways to drive traffic below.


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