Do you know what these adorable little creatures are? Well if you don’t please let
me inform you about Class Management 2.0!
me inform you about Class Management 2.0!
Let me preface by saying that I am a first year teacher and EVERYTHING is new to me. I am trying loads of ideas that have been floating around the internet.
This is by far the best thing I have found online. The beginning of the year my team decided they wanted to utilize a clip chart. I’m a newbie and didn’t know any different so I agreed. I created an adorable clip chart that went with my classroom theme and we used a clip chart recording sheet that was used the previous year in a lower grade level.
This is by far the best thing I have found online. The beginning of the year my team decided they wanted to utilize a clip chart. I’m a newbie and didn’t know any different so I agreed. I created an adorable clip chart that went with my classroom theme and we used a clip chart recording sheet that was used the previous year in a lower grade level.
I definitely did not anticipate the amount of paperwork that I would receive my first year teaching. MOUNDS taller than I was surrounded me and I was looking for ANYTHING to help ease my paper load.
The clip chart failed for me personally for many reasons:
1) Running off recording sheets every week
2) Finding time for kids to record on the sheet
3) Dealing with dishonest students
4) When a student got to parent contact, I sometimes forgot to call their parent! Sometimes I would have an after school meeting, 504, RTI, ARD, etc. My clip chart wasn’t getting reinforced. I even had team members telling me that they would allow their students to move up on the chart for good behavior when in reality it was because they didn’t want to call a parent!
Thanks to a multitude of media outlets, I came across ClassDojo.
ClassDojo is a FREE website that can be synced with any smart phone/device.
After you sign up you can create as many classes as you want. I teach third grade all subjects…but to two different classes. The awesome thing about it is that a parent just needs to sign up ONCE and students can be connected to multiple teachers in the same year. Once they have signed up once time they can use that account for following years, they just change the “code”.
At the beginning of the year I send home “Parent Codes” and “Student Codes”. Parents can sign up using the code and receive information about their child’s positive AND negative behavior. I encourage parents to download the APP so they can receive it immediately.
The best thing –>
I don’t even have to think about it, It just does it for me 🙂
This is an amazing time saver because I know that I am in constant communication with my parents. A lot of my parents told me how easier this year has been with ClassDojo.
[Tweet theme=”basic-white”]Revamp parent communication & behavior management with @ClassDojo via @PeppyZestyTeacher[/Tweet]
I can give positive and negative points on whatever I want. This is because the behaviors are 100% customizable! I fit my positive and needs work points based on the needs of MY classroom. I love that it awards positive points so the kids that never have behavior problems are not overlooked.
Here is what mine looks like:
I try to be specific with mine so my parents are aware of exactly why they are gaining or losing points. It even shows the time of day that the students are receiving points. I take this data into RTI/504 meetings and it has amazed my Admins and Acs because I am the first on campus to use this website.
I like to show my Dojo Board on my projector during center time. As I’m at my teacher table I like to glance around and award points for those working hard. You’d be amazed at how controlled center time is using this app. Kids are working hard for a point because they know their parent can see it at a moments notice. It’s GREAT.
I take my iPad everywhere we go, recess, lunch, restroom breaks, and assemblies. My kids KNOW that they are always given an opportunity to earn positive points.
Every week, I award a “Dojo Champion”. This idea was spurred while I was searching, ‘Class Dojo’ on TPT. Leticia Gallegos has an adorable certificate that I use. Click on the picture to head to her TPT store and download it for FREE.
I am all about student-centered learning and responsibility. So naturally, I made it a classroom job. My “hall monitor” and “quiet monitor” interchangeably mange Class Dojo with me. They help me give positive points in the hallway when we are changing class among other times. This has made my Dojo usage easier because they consider this a HUGE honor and treat it as such. They know how to manage the app perfectly fine because let’s be honest…they’re digital natives so we need to treat them as such 🙂
There is also an AMAZING feature called “Messaging”. However, I think I have talked your ear off for one post. Please download the app and play with the demo to get the hang of it.
If you are thinking about utilizing this awesome website or have any ideas about how you use this in your classroom, please comment below!
more ideas, click the image below
more ideas, click the image below

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Alison Rose
May 13, 2014 at 10:03 pmI always forget about Class Dojo. I have used it some with my past two classes, but I am sure I will be using it again for my next year class! 🙂
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
Amber Calderon
May 14, 2014 at 1:47 amHey Alison!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I myself sometimes find it difficult to use it also. The two students mentioned that help me with the Dojo help me during class as well. They are so awesome. Sometimes I'll just leave it on their desk and verbally say, "Give so and so a point for great thinking". I'll have the website on my computer with the volume on so everyone hears it. That has helped me use it more.
I look forward to hearing from you again!
May 14, 2014 at 12:29 amI used Class Dojo last year but I had no idea that it emailed parents!!! I am definitely going to have to check that out for next year. I use the clip system and it takes so much time at the end of the day! Thanks for the tip!
Amber Calderon
May 14, 2014 at 1:53 amHeya Kelly!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am so happy you now know that it e-mails parents! How awesome, right?! I love this because I can never have a parent say, "well I didn't see the behavior chart so I didn't know they were acting out".
When I used the clip-chart, I would sometimes forget to have the kids record because we were all spread out doing some sort of activity! Be sure to share how using it works out for you next year so I can read all about it. 🙂
Don't be a stranger!
Fourth Grade Flipper
May 21, 2014 at 1:10 amI also use class dojo! Although, I don't use it with parents like you do. I would like to be more consistent with it. Thanks for linking up!:)
Fourth Grade Flipper
Sweet Tooth Teaching
July 12, 2014 at 6:28 pmI cannot believe it has taken me this long to discover this! This sounds magical for center time. Totally implementing this upcoming school year! THANK YOU!
Mr Hills 3rd Grade Class
January 21, 2016 at 4:31 amI am a first year teacher as well and will be attempting to use Class Dojo this year. I have no idea how to utilise it efficiently but I'm sure I will learn as I go (don't we all?). I will let you know how it goes.
Lenore Rix
May 4, 2016 at 8:31 amHi this is a nice blog. I am using class dojo but I struggle a bit. We have one class and multiple teachers, but I can't seem to link the other teacher on the same class. Do you maybe know how to do that?
Thanks a lot!