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Amber Calderon

Reading in the Wild: Dedicating Time to Read

Hello Friends!  I am a day late for the Summer book study…whoops! I am moving districts and took TWO car loads over and unpacked in this Texas heat! If you are from Texas then you should be shaking your…

Classroom Booksource

It amazes me just how many books I have accumulated in my short time teaching. I take pride in my books and all year I wondered just how many books I was losing. Whether a student accidentally took a book outside…

Manic Monday: Fraction Freebie

I just LOVE task cards…don’t we all? 😉 During our fraction unit, I scoured everywhere for fraction word problems and the pickings were slim, so I decided one Sunday evening to just make my own!  I’ve decided to share…

Daily 5 Book Study: Ch.3-4

Hello Friends! I have devoured this Daily 5 book and I am so excited to share with you what I have taken from these two chapters. Let’s get started. Step 1: Identify What is to be taught Step 2: Set…

Daily Five: Book Study Ch.1-2

Hello friends! I am linking up with Seusstastic for the summer book study over the daily 5. I have had my eye on this book for quite some time and decided it was time to take the plunge! This will…

Kidblog: Starting Kidblog for the 1st time

I recently came across Kidblog just a few months ago and I AM IN LOVE! There are so many ideas for this awesome website!   It isa FREE and safe way to enhance the writing process in your classroom.  It allows…

Do you Class Dojo?

  Do you know what these adorable little creatures are? Well if you don’t please let me inform you about Class Management 2.0! Let me preface by saying that I am a first year teacher and EVERYTHING is new to me. I…