All Posts By

Amber Calderon

Monday Made It: Classroom Curtains

Hello Friends! I am so excited because this is my FIRST Monday made it and I’m so happy to share what I have been  working on today! Today, I am sharing how I made NO SEW classroom curtains! I…

Win your Fall 2014 Classroom!

Hello Hello Friends! Are you rolling in the dough? Do you swim in cash?  Cool..because neither do I! That is why I am writing for chance to win (and share with you) about winning $200 worth of items from…

Blog Hoppin 2014

Hey Friends! I’m linking up with Blog Hoppin to share some of the MANY photos I have gathered from the Blog Hoppin 2014 scavenger hunt! Not sure what on earth I’m taking about? Click HERE to find out what…

Classroom Economy + Class Dojo

If you follow my posts, then you know I LOVE Class Dojo. It ahhh-mazing in my opinion. I combine Class Dojo with a classroom economy. In my classroom everyone has a job. I firmly believe this has made my kids…

Organize your Weekly Handoutshg

I am sure you have seen multiple ways to organize your weekly handouts for class but let me share with you another way. I LOVE this rolling cart. I bought mine from Michaels when their plastic storage was on…

Classroom Library Organization

If you asked me what is my favorite part of my classroom, I would say my classroom library without hesitation. It is the grand piece of the puzzle to my classroom and I firmly believe that it has helped…

Chapter 2: Wild Readers Self-Select Reading Material

Hey Y’all! We are continuing the awesome book study of Reading in the Wild by Donalyn Miller. If you haven’t picked up a copy, it is a MUST. I love everything this woman stands for and I absorbed so…