
What is a teacher lifestyle brand?

Companies are creating their own clothing, selling services, and in some cases creating brick and mortar places to purchase from them. Celebrities are creating athletic wear, home goods and even alcohol. How are companies and people able to do this? How can someone jump from a social feed about X topic to selling their own merch? Well…they created a lifestyle brand!

What is a lifestyle brand?

A lifestyle brand focuses on values, aspirations, interests, attitudes of a group of people and the culture that they create. The whole goal of this strategy is that you’re building a community of people.

You’re not leading with your product.

Teachers have a sense of belonging and feel like they’re a part of something by being a part of your community (watching your content and engaging with it, purchasing your products, etc). These teachers can also feel a part of your community even if they don’t necessarily purchase your products right away. If they do purchase, they’re going to feel a part of the club.

Examples of lifestyle brand in other categories

Example #1: Lacroix

LaCroix didn’t spend tons of money on advertisements. They placed themselves in the middle of their target audience (Instagram where 55% of 18-29 year old are on the platform). They engaged with every comment on a daily basis to create a sense of community and their hashtag game was on point. They’re actively sharing content on their feed from users with users as low as 150 followers. They’re an authentic brand with a community-based feel.

They were able to push their healthy lifestyle to consumers looking for a beverage that is tasty, healthy, bubbly, and sugar-free, and sparkling water checks all the boxes.

Example #2 – Nike and Peloton

Nike and Peloton promote an active lifestyle through their marketing. I’m sharing both together so you can better understand how they differ. Peloton comes out of the gates as a more luxurious active lifesyle.

Nike: More than likely a runner, basketball player, track star, or a person getting back into the groove

Peloton: You can catch them in the yoga studio or at their favorite spin class

These brands really know their target audience and they know it really well!

What is the #TeacherGram lifestyle?

You might be surprised to learn that you’ve been consuming tons of teacher lifestyle content without even realizing it! Have you ever noticed that some IG posts do extremely well and you see the top teacher content creators posting about it on their channels?

Flair pens, favorite fonts, teacher tees, Starbucks cups, teacher stickers, etc?

This is because we have created a #Teachergram lifestyle that has become the norm – and teachers have recognized this in some way or another (whether they call it a lifestyle or not) and are finding ways to monetize from it.

#TeacherGram teachers that do it extremely well…

I’m going to let your brain run wind in this section. Read the following bulleted section and think what accounts you gravitate towards regarding those topics and analyze why…

  • Teacher Tees
  • Teacher humor
  • Fonts
  • Classroom Management
  • Teacher Stickers
  • Teacher lanyards

What set of teachers have turned themselves into a group in order to promote a specific type of theme and create a business off of it?

Why is a lifestyle brand valuable?

A lifestyle brand does not lead with their product. Have you ever followed an account and then unfollowed because it felt like a walking talking billboard pushing their offers? Have you ever been added to a FB group with out your permission to be sold products you don’t want? That’s not a brand.

A lifestyle brand inspires curiosity and empowers their community. When that teacher is ready to make a purchase, the conversion rate is much higher because they have already bought into your mission and feel like they’re a part of something.

Let’s go back to Peloton. Peloton not only sells the bikes, they create a community with their clothing, with the way the instructor treat you. I don’t even use Peloton and I feel the community through the window!

How do I create a teacher lifestyle brand?

Think about the things you’re doing that fit into that teacher lifestyle? How can you create more a community feel within your brand so teachers feel valued and that they’re receiving value.

  1. Turn your exciting concept into a new trend
    • How can you repackage and repurpose a piece of content or idea where teachers feel included and a part of something?
    • When they feel a part of something, they’re more likely to purchase.
    • Example: Jordan’s. Jordan’s might not be the best basketball shoe but they have created an ultimate basketball lifestyle that it’s dripped into song, movies, and your closet.
  2. Reposition your product to alight with the culture of your target audience
    1. Think of your target audience and create a marketing strategy that peaks their interest
  3. Be a culture creator
    1. Don’t copy what others are doing. Create your own menu.


When consumers buy, you buy the message. you buy how it makes you feel. You buy the person behind the product….and that’s what sells.


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