Hey friends! I have so many favs that I love sharing, I thought it’d be best to compile everything I’m loving each month in a post – LMK what y’all think about this!
Fitness Favs:
Please don’t get mad but there is no way I could talk about fitness and not pick my go-to pre-workout and energy drinks!
I’ve also been posting my workout gear on my Instagram. Some of the clothes are sold out but are back in different colors so I’ll link them here.

Shop the post:
Comfy Athflow Favs:

Shop the post:
My social media set up!
I’ve been Vlogging and Blogging my life as a social media manager for two ed-tech brands. Took me almost four years, but I’m here to stay!
If you’re interested, I wrote a post about my favorite tools as a social media manager (you can read here). If you’re a quick scanner, I’ll link the products down below.
Thanks for reading!
Should I keep writing these monthly favs? LMK what you think in the comments below!
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