have a soft spot in my heart for personal financial literacy. Not only is it
fun to teach, it is such a real-world tool for our kids!
going to explain how I teach it in my classroom. I’ll place the unit at the
bottom of this post along with a freebie!
the beginning, we have conversation about how we all earn money and why it’s so
important. I then have the kids complete a job application. I combine a classroom economy with Class Dojo which you can read about {HERE}.
don’t just want the kids handing out money since they also need the math
practice. I give every kid one of these sheets and print front and back. The
kids look at the storefront, add up what they want and write the cost, then
decide what their change is based on how much they are giving the banker.
also have a slew of task cards that are color coded by economics skill.
These are great for centers.
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It's Kinder Time
June 26, 2015 at 3:32 pmAmber
I love this unit!! What a great way to help kiddos learn about money and understand place value!
I will send my 3rd grade teacher friends to your blog and store. They will love this product!
It’s Kinder Time
Miss Evans
August 1, 2015 at 3:20 amAmber
Thank you for these posts! I have been referencing your blog a lot this summer as I get my classroom economy together. How many of each bill did you print off to start the year with?