Hey hey! Do you remember being in college and taking a test wishing, if I just had extra time I could really learn this in detail and get a good grade? That is how children feel. I am the first to say and admit that I move in math class at the rate of a racehorse. Do I like it? Not at all. Do I have to? YES. With all of the math standards that we have to teach, our year at a glance is packed with math standards.
Maybe our kids don’t understand the material right after we teach the standard. However, should we forget about their data just because we have to move on to the next?
After I give the kids an assessment, I grab one of my re-teach half sheets and write down any scores less than an A. I paperclip the assignments to the back of the half sheet so I know that I need to re-assess those people.
After I record their scores, I reprint a paper (for each kid) that I can use for a small group, and the assessment again. When I have extra time (I know who has extra time), I pull a few kids to my small group table to work with me on the desired skill. When we have completed the paper, or I feel that they are ready, I will give the assessment again.
The highest grade is entered in the grade book. The original graded paper is stapled to the small group paper (so the parents know that I worked with them), and the 2nd assessment. I can’t begin to fully explain how thankful my parents are that I take this extra step for their kids.
By doing this, I am ensuring that they are re-learning the standard and assessing them after they have had a chance to fully understand what they are learning. Not all kids learn at the same rate and this is an opportunity to address those needs. 🙂
If you would like to download this template for FREE {CLICK HERE} I love love love checklists!
Check out my guided reading checklist that I posted for FREE on {Instagram}
May 14, 2016 at 4:59 amLOOOOOVE loooove looooove such a great idea! I just stumbled across your blog from Pinterest! <3
June 23, 2016 at 2:17 pmI found your blog on Pinterest. I love this idea of keeping up with students and their needs. Thank you.
August 7, 2016 at 8:10 pmDo you give them the same test or do you do a review with them with the test and give a new test?
Amber Calderon
August 8, 2016 at 3:33 pmHey!
I actually give them the same test! But by the time I reteach the kids they have already forgotten what is on the original test. The review is a mix of hands on learning as well as paper/pencil questions that test the same “standards” in the original test. Not to be confused with the same question but different numbers idea. I hope that helps!