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Bring Twitter to your Classroom!

Hello friends! If you follow my blog then maybe you read that this year I moved to a different district. I absolutely love how innovative an on board everyone is! With that being said, our school decided to push…

Popplet in the Classroom

As I continue with my #TechologyTidbits, I thought I would share with you my “go-to” app. Once the kids have been exposed to it—you can use it with practically any standard. I am at a 1:1 school, and Popplet…

NEARPOD: Create, Engage, & Assess

Hello friends! I am continuing my #technologytidbits with you by introducing you to a phenomenal FREE resource called Nearpod. Nearpod is basically powerpoint on steroids. Yes, I used that analogy because it’s true. With Nearpod, you can create your…

Chirping in the classroom!

  I recently discovered a wonderful app that has NUMEROUS uses for the classroom. The app is called CHIRP. I have never been more excited to hear the sound of birds. What is it? It is an app that…

Character Traits & Popplet

Hello Friends! If you followed my blog over the summer, then you learned how ECSTATIC I was that I was moving districts. Reason being, I received a job at a 1:1 iPAD district. EEK I know! I promised that…

Classroom Economy + Class Dojo

If you follow my posts, then you know I LOVE Class Dojo. It ahhh-mazing in my opinion. I combine Class Dojo with a classroom economy. In my classroom everyone has a job. I firmly believe this has made my kids…

Classroom Booksource

It amazes me just how many books I have accumulated in my short time teaching. I take pride in my books and all year I wondered just how many books I was losing. Whether a student accidentally took a book outside…

Kidblog: Starting Kidblog for the 1st time

I recently came across Kidblog just a few months ago and I AM IN LOVE! There are so many ideas for this awesome website!   It isa FREE and safe way to enhance the writing process in your classroom.  It allows…