Hey friends! I am so excited to finally share with y’all the first week of the #TPTSellerChallenge ! The product below is near & dear to my heart. I created it before I even knew what TPT was! I…
a Rafflecopter giveaway Click here for the Google Doc Click here for the Facebook group Click here to download the TPT Seller Challenge Stat Tracker! Click here for the Google Doc Brought to you by……
Welcome to Reflect and Refresh, a two part linky party where teacher bloggers share their reflections on the 2014-2015 school year and ways they are planning to refresh their teaching in 2015-2016. Why hello my sweet teachers! You’re looking…
Hey Hey Hey! I recently took a mini-vacation this past weekend. I FINALLY used some personal days. Last year I wasn’t absent ONCE and this year would’ve been the same except my sweet man and I went to The…
Heya Friends! My FIRST blog post on the 3rd grade collaborative site written BY 3rd grade teachers is up! I blogged over a iTeach Third to share with you how I keep a consistent word work center that has definitely…
Why, hello there. The end of the year brings upon us a lot of trying questions. How do we keep these kids engaged after state testing, am I still going to be teaching the same grade level, and my…
Hello Hello Friends! Last Summer I took the plunge and purchased my very own Erin Condren. Pictures of planners were flooding my instagram feed and I’m a sucker for pretty colors and all things organization (aren’t we all?) This…