Hey Friends! This past summer I attended the Teachers Pay Teachers conference and met some amazing teachers along with vendors. There is this giant room that is basically a candy store for teachers! While I was walking around, I…
Looking for creative ideas to incorporate Halloween into your classroom? This blog hop has tons of teacher ideas that you can stuff in your cauldron for your classroom lessons. BOO! It’s a not even Halloween yet, but I’m going…
Hey Hey friends! I just finished teaching elements of fiction, sequencing, and summary. I feel like the kids really gained an understanding of these skills so why not share how I implemented it?! During the 1st week of school,…
Hey y’all! Even though Fall in Texas doesn’t mean THAT cool of weather, I still like to pretend the weather gets cooler than it does. Fall means football. If you read my about me, then you know that…
Hey Friends! Last week was the most magnificent yet chaotic week ever! My school is 1:1 iPads so we had iPad rollout last Thursday. The kids were nuts and I forgot what it was like to have students NOT…
Hello, Friends! It’s the 10th which means a bunch of teachers are sharing their favorite read alouds for the following month. I love this link up so much because I am constantly finding new books to read to…
Hello Hello! I remember weeks ago freaking out about school approaching, yet here I am one week in excited to share my classroom! My first week was fantastic and my kids are absolute sweethearts! I am so excited for…