You’re reading these marketing blogs because you envision a life where you’re making more money than you’re currently making. Heck, we all do! Fun fact: You can use many of the skills you already have to create your own teacher side hustle and make additional income to supplement your teaching job. Yup, teachers can make money online… that includes you!
Many teachers run to Teachers Pay Teachers or Etsy, and I did the same! It’s how I made more than my teaching salary my first year of teaching. Over the past couple of years, I opened my eyes to even more revenue streams thanks to Kajabi. With Kajabi, there’s so many profitable paths that you can choose from. Additionally, you’re getting more marketing platforms and ways to monetize, with the data, so that you’re more efficient with your spending/
Sell your digital products on Kajabi
Instead of losing commission every time you sell a product on TPT, own products and the emails of the teachers that purchase by creating a landing page of resources that you can sell through Kajabi. You can still sell on Teachers Pay Teachers, but this way, if teachers purchase from your Kajabi site, you finally have access to their emails because you own that data! 🎉
Build an online course and earn more
Turn a digital workbook or a series of products you sell into an online course. Teach teachers how to achieve that ‘thing’ that you’re realllyyyy good at. I’ve successfully launched Teacher Marketing Academy ($497) and Email Marketing Essentials ($127). I would have to sell over 248 products at $2.00 a piece to make what one TMA course sells for! That’s impact!
Sell a paid podcast
Yup! Through Kajabi, you can seamlessly drop your paid podcast to every streaming service, and let Kajabi take care of the process of payments so that you can focus on what you do best, teach.
Sell a membership site
Kajabi’s tech allows you to customize your wildest dreams! Want to sell a membership where teachers get a specific amount or type of products each month? It’s possible with Kajabi! Want to set up a live monthly video call or an online community? Yup, it’s in Kajabi, too!
Don’t pay for an email platform, it’s included in Kajabi
With purchasing Kajabi, you also get access to a robust email marketing platform to support complex email systems. Since this is embedded in the products you sell, all of the tech ‘talks’ to each other so you can easily link and get the data you don’t normally see, in one hub.
Customize your website and blog, no coding required
Kajabi’s website builder will help you establish your brand and expand your audience beyond the the classroom or that algorithm game playing social media app. Easily customize you website and link your email forms, podcast, courses, etc in one area (since they’re all embedded!)
Use my referral code and receive 3 one hour planning sessions!
Email me at and I’ll help get you set up!
It’s time for teachers to make money online…
If you’re still curious, check out this blog post where I outline more of Kajabi’s power.
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